Image of Edi and SwissSalary – the perfect combination for SMEs


Edi and SwissSalary – the perfect combination for SMEs

The Edi expenses tool is the perfect match for SwissSalary. Both solutions are able to play to their strengths through fully automated transmission of expenses and master data.

SwissSalary is a payroll software programme developed specifically for the Swiss market and which assists businesses in managing their payrolls. The software offers multiple functions – including calculation of taxes and social insurance contributions, production of payslips and management of employee files. SwissSalary also enables businesses to easily abide by compliance requirements and statutory regulations.

Edi is a Cloud expenses solution which makes expenses processing quick and easy – from recording to approval and payment. The automatic calculation of VAT as well as the revision-proof archiving of documents are part of the standard. Based on our experience from a wide range of completed projects, we tailor Edi to your requirements in consultation with you, so that you can meet all compliance requirements in this area as well. 
Both tools combine the best from the expenses and payroll sectors. Edi and SwissSalary meet the highest quality and security standards on the Swiss market, having obtained various certificates such as Swissdec, ISO27001 and Swiss Made Software. 

Master employee data can be transferred fully automatically to Edi, and the expenses details to SwissSalary, using our standard integration. This completely end-to-end process largely automates your business processes, thereby saving you time and money. 

Our product combination enables fully automated, real-time master personnel data transfer to Edi, and simplified and more efficient processing of expenses, which are then transferred to SwissSalary for payment. 

Silvan Lutz, CFO at Daetwyler SwissTec AG is impressed by the combination: “Using SwissSalary and Edi is the perfect way to cover payroll and expenses processing. The interaction between the two software solutions works perfectly. Not only is our HR department enthusiastic about how easy Edi is to use, but so are our employees who operate worldwide.”
